Announcing 4 bundle games!

由Nex Team 10月 02, 2023 1 分鐘閱讀

Announcing 4 bundle games!

We are excited to announce the 4 games that will come with every Nex Playground purchase! We promised 3 games on the website, but we ended up going with 4. Nex has 4 internal game studios, so, we think it's only fair for each of them to put a game into the bundle.

4 games tile

They are:

  1. Whack-a-Mole Deluxe - a new version of a well-loved motion game that was played millions of times by our users on the mobile platform. We created an improved version for Playground.
  2. Party Fowl - a 1v1 party game that is very fun to play and extremely entertaining to watch.
  3. Go Keeper - a yet-to-be-announced game that gets players to keep goals from the first-person perspective.
  4. Starri - Nex's flagship motion game. Due to music licensing limitations, we can only include ~20 songs with the bundle. The rest of the songs are available through subscription or a la carte purchase.

These 4 games are selected to represent the key benefits that we want to bring to you through Nex Playground:

  • Family time. All 4 games support 2 players!
  • Kids. Whack-a-mole, for example, can be played and enjoyed by very young kids.
  • Fitness. Starri keeps track of your calories burnt as you "workout" with it.
  • Sports. You can see in Go Keeper how Nex is unlocking a new interaction for sports games that is enabled by Nex Playground.

The rest of the games are available through a subscription. We'll be making more announcements about these titles soon!